Does Salvation Army take mattresses? 4 Alternative Options

Does Salvation Army take mattresses?

Does Salvation Army take mattresses? The Salvation Army, a well-respected charitable institution, is renowned for its wide-ranging support to those in need, including providing clothing, furniture, and other essential items. The organization accepts donations in various forms, with many people often wondering about the specifics of what can and cannot be donated.

Yes, the Salvation Army does accept mattresses as part of their donation program. However, the mattresses must be in good condition, and free from any stains or damage. They must also meet all current safety standards.

This policy aligns with the Salvation Army’s mission to provide for those who lack essential items. Before you head out to donate a mattress or any other item, it’s advisable to contact your local Salvation Army branch to confirm their specific guidelines and restrictions, ensuring that your donation can be put to the best possible use.

The Salvation Army Mattress Donation Policy

Acceptance Criteria

The Salvation Army has well-defined acceptance criteria for mattresses. First and foremost, the mattress should be free of any defects or damages. It should not have any stains or be worn out, as these factors compromise hygiene and comfort. The organization aims to provide the best to those in need, which is why the quality of donated items is of paramount importance.

Moreover, the mattress should adhere to the current safety standards. This includes being fire-resistant and free from harmful substances. It’s important to note that different regions might have different safety standards, so it’s advisable to contact your local Salvation Army branch for specifics.

Donation Drop-off and Pick-up

When it comes to donating a mattress to the Salvation Army, you have two primary options. You can either drop off your donation at a local store or schedule a pick-up. The organization provides a convenient pick-up service where they will come to your location to collect the mattress.

However, this service may not be available in all areas, and there may be some limitations or prerequisites. Before scheduling a pick-up, it’s always best to check with your local branch. They can provide you with all the necessary details and instructions to facilitate the process and ensure your donation goes smoothly.

Alternative for donating mattresses

Other Places to Donate Your Mattress

If for some reason the Salvation Army cannot accept your mattress, other charitable organizations might be able to help. Organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, Goodwill, and local homeless shelters often accept mattress donations. However, similar to the Salvation Army, these organizations typically require that mattresses be in good condition and meet all safety standards. It’s always a good idea to call ahead and check their specific donation policies before you haul your mattress over.

Another alternative for mattress donations is recycling. In many areas, mattress recycling facilities exist where the components of the mattress can be broken down and reused. This is a great option if your mattress isn’t in good enough condition to be donated. Not only does this prevent mattresses from ending up in the landfill, but it also provides a valuable resource for the recycling industry.

How to Prepare Your Mattress for Donation

Before donating your mattress, it’s important to clean it thoroughly. Most organizations will not accept dirty or stained mattresses. Cleaning a mattress is a straightforward process that can be done with basic household items. Start by vacuuming both sides of the mattress to remove any dust or debris. After vacuuming, you can spot-clean any stains with a mixture of dish soap and water.

After cleaning, the mattress should be allowed to dry completely. This is particularly important, as a damp mattress can develop mold or mildew, which would make it unsuitable for donation. Once the mattress is clean and dry, it’s ready to be donated. Remember to check with the organization to which you’re donating for any additional preparation steps required.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your mattress donation is put to good use, helping those in need and contributing to the betterment of our environment.

How to Assess Whether Your Mattress Qualifies for Donation

Checking the Condition of Your Mattress

Before considering donating your mattress, it is critical to perform a thorough assessment of its condition. Start by visually examining the mattress for signs of wear and tear such as rips, tears, or significant discoloration. Mattresses with these kinds of imperfections are typically not suitable for donation as they do not meet the standard hygiene and comfort requirements.

Next, evaluate the structural integrity of the mattress. Ensure that it offers adequate support and doesn’t sag in places. If the mattress has lumps or dips, it may not be ideal for donation. Remember, your donation should be beneficial to the recipient, so only donate a mattress that you’d feel comfortable sleeping on yourself.

Confirming Compliance with Safety Standards

Just as important as the condition of the mattress is its compliance with safety standards. A key safety standard for mattresses is fire resistance. Most mattresses manufactured in recent years meet this standard, but it’s always worth double-checking. Look for a tag that indicates the mattress’s fire resistance.

Additionally, ensure that the mattress is free of harmful substances. Mattresses made in the USA after 2005 should be free of harmful substances like lead and mercury, as per the Consumer Product Safety Commission. If your mattress was manufactured before this time or you’re uncertain about its composition, it may be best to consider recycling options instead of donation.

Consulting Your Local Charities

Once you’ve confirmed that your mattress is in good condition and meets safety standards, the last step is to consult your local charities. Each charity has specific needs and restrictions, and what one organization accepts, another might not.

Start by reaching out to the Salvation Army or other charities listed in this guide. If they cannot accept your mattress, don’t be discouraged. Many other non-profit organizations might require mattress donations. Some may even offer pick-up services for your convenience.

Remember, donating a mattress isn’t just about getting rid of something you don’t need. It’s also an opportunity to improve someone else’s quality of life.

Selling or Offering Your Mattress on the Internet

Using Online Marketplaces to Sell Your Mattress

Online marketplaces have become a popular platform for selling used items, including mattresses. Websites like eBay, Craigslist, or Facebook Marketplace are excellent resources to reach potential buyers within your local area. Before listing, ensure you have cleaned and sanitized your mattress. Take clear photos from several angles, highlighting its condition. It’s also crucial to be honest and transparent about any wear and tear.

When pricing your mattress, consider its age, brand, and the original purchase price. Also, be open to negotiation, as most buyers on these platforms expect to haggle. Remember to arrange safe and public meet-up points for potential buyers to inspect the mattress, ensuring everyone’s safety in the transaction.

Offering Your Mattress Through Freecycling Communities

Another unique way to get rid of your mattress is through freecycling communities, like or local groups on social media platforms. These communities promote a culture of giving where items are offered for free to anyone interested. It’s an excellent way to reduce waste and promote sustainability.

Before posting, ensure your mattress meets community guidelines. Once approved, your mattress can be listed with a brief description and photos. Interested members can contact you directly to arrange pickup. It’s an easy, cost-effective, and eco-friendly method to pass on items you no longer need.


With various options available, there is no need to dispose of your mattress in the landfill. Whether you choose to donate, sell, or offer through freecycling communities, you can find a new home for your mattress that benefits others and helps protect our environment. It’s essential to assess your mattress’s condition and safety compliance before making any decisions. Remember to consult local charities and follow their guidelines for donations. Ultimately, your mattress can have a positive impact on someone’s life, making it a valuable contribution to our society. Let’s make conscious decisions when getting rid of our mattresses and give them the best chance at a second life through donation or proper disposal methods. So next time you’re ready to replace your mattress, remember the options available.

Read another article about Do tulo mattresses have fiberglass?


Q#1 Does the Salvation Army take mattresses near me?

A: It depends on the local organization’s specific guidelines. We recommend reaching out to your nearest Salvation Army or other charitable organizations in your area for more information on their donation policies and needs. However, if they cannot accept your mattress, don’t be discouraged as many other non-profit organizations may require mattress donations.

Q#2 Does the Salvation Army take mattresses and box springs?

A: Some local branches of the Salvation Army may accept both mattresses and box springs, but it ultimately depends on their current needs and resources. We suggest contacting your nearest branch for more information.

Q#3 Can I donate a used mattress to Goodwill?

A: It’s best to contact your local Goodwill organization directly to inquire about their donation policies. In some cases, they may accept gently used mattresses; other times, they may not have the resources to do so.

Q#4 Can I donate a memory foam mattress?

A: Again, it’s best to check with your local charitable organization for their specific guidelines. Some may accept memory foam mattresses in good condition, while others may not. It’s important to ensure that the mattress meets safety standards and is free of harmful substances. Ultimately, it’s up to the charity’s discretion if they can accept your donation or not. So be sure to contact them directly for more information.

Q#5 Does the Salvation Army take pillows?

A: The Salvation Army typically accepts donations of mattresses, box springs, bed frames, and linens. However, they may not accept pillows due to hygiene reasons. It’s best to check with your local organization for their specific guidelines on acceptable donations. But don’t worry! There are other ways to recycle or repurpose old pillows; you can use them as pets.

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